Bay Bayou RV Resort
8492 Manatee Bay Drive
Tampa, FL 33635
“New Address / Same Location”
12622 Memorial Highway
Tampa, FL 33635
Toll Free Number: 813-855-1000
Local Phone: 813-855-1000

Directions to Bay Bayou
Going South on I-75
Travel to I-275, exchange #274 . . . Continue South on I-275 to Hillsborough Ave. (old Exit 30; new Exit 47 heading West) Go West right on (#92 becomes #580 Hillsborough Ave.) Stay on Hillsborough Ave. for 10.75 miles to Country Way Blvd. Turn right on Country Way, go 0.47 miles to Memorial Hwy. Turn left on Memorial Hwy. & continue 0.83 miles . . . Bay Bayou is on the left!
Going West on I-4 (during rush hours)
Travel on I-4 to (Exit 47) Hillsborough Ave. (US 92 & 580)
Go West through Tampa 17 miles to Country Way Blvd.
Turn right on Country Way, go 0.47 miles to Memorial Hwy.
Turn left on Memorial Hwy. & continue 0.83 miles . . .
Bay Bayou is on the left!
Going West on I-4 (during rush hours)
Stay on I-4 through Tampa (merges with I-275 South)
After merging w/ I-275, go 4.75 miles to Rte. 60 (Airport exit)
Take Rte. 60 1.8 miles to #589 Veterans Hwy (exit 2A)
Go North 2 miles to (exit 4) Hillsborough Ave. (US 580)
Go West on Hillsborough 5.5 miles to Country Way Blvd.
Turn right on Country Way, go 0.47 miles to Memorial Hwy.
Turn left on Memorial Hwy. & continue 0.83 miles . . .
Bay Bayou is on the left!
Bay Bayou RV Resort, 8492 Manatee Bay Drive, Tampa, FL 33635
Our Guarantee
Bay Bayou RV Resort takes pride in being highly rated by Good Sam for having a beautifully landscaped resort, including pool and patio area.